Choose you email client (you may click the images below to enlarge):
Desktop Email Clients
Web-base Email Clients
- Click the option icon at the top-right 按位於收件匣右上方的 “選項” 圖示
- Click “Options” 按 “選項”
- Click “Safe and blocked senders” under Preventing junk email, then click “Safe senders” 按 “安全及封鎖的寄件者” (位於防止垃圾郵件下),再選按 “安全的寄件者”
- Type “” in the box under “Sender or domain to mark as safe:” 於 “標記為安全的寄件者或網域:” 下格填入 “”
- Click “Add to list>>” 按 “新增至清單”